Friday, January 18, 2008

Drunk Writting

don't love me

I know you want me

but you have to love me

I don't care

But your desire of me is nothing

You have no idea

how much they want me

how much I want you still

from delicate to rough

from eyes to revealed desire

from being to being

I love you more

when they love me

for that is the only time

when I can and I know I can

love anyone

you can't love anyone

as I have loved you

as you have loved me

as much as we can not have each other


as much as I am me

I am not high

I am just drunk

from missing you

and I am loveable


for I am true

and you

you are not here

when I reach out for you

when I look out

and know that I am still in love

and do not really care of anything anymore

where am I

Maybe, only maybe, it is time to leave

And here is just here and it means

we were

Do not want me please

Do not make this complicated

I am happy for you

And I kick him for no reason

I don't even love him

for I like him as I like stranger that holds my hand

when turbulence hit when I travel west

so do not just want me or parallele think of it

for it is either love or nothing


Blogger -J said...

Wow. You finally have full rss feeds. Wooo.

11:20 AM  
Blogger chris miller said...

"I like him as I like stranger that holds my hand when turbulence hit when I travel west"

I guess I'm less romantic - or maybe just a lot older -- than you -- but that's my definition of love.

8:46 AM  

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