Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Why We Cry

Today there is a weird farewell toast for one of the senior person in the company. I awlays kinda of like her, although am not really close to her. She belongs to the time that we, you and I, had lot of sweet memories together.

She was here when I first started, seven years ago, a new comer to the city and to the agency. I was yet to know that I would run into you one day.

When she began to speak and choked a little, I felt like crying as well. And I did. I even had to go grab a tissue.

I was crying for many many reasons, for missing you, for missing us, for missing the good old time, for a time where familar faces show themselves in the long bleak days of work, for the time of batman visiting.

Half of the people there I don't know, and much less like. And it is getting smaller, and colder, everyday, or it is just me getting tired and picky.

People were trying to carry on some conversations and made it look happy and cheerful.

The leaving woman said to me in whisper: This felt like my funeral. I thought of the live funeral in The Weatherman.

I know that is not the reason why I cried.

My boss looked at me funny: Are you upset TOO?

I don't know what that means, especially the "TOO". And I did not say anything.

And why should I.

Do we need a reason for tears, so long we can cry, even in front of semi-strangers?

I feel I have indulged myself today.


Blogger Sir G said...

"My boss looked at me funny: Are you upset TOO?

I don't know what that means, especially the "TOO". And I did not say anything."

Wow, girl, wow.

11:53 PM  

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